TUI Airlines Belgium NV a public limited company under Belgian law, offers airline tickets for flights to over 80 destinations under the brand name “TUI fly”. The customer is purchasing from a legal entity based in Belgium. The flights are carried out by the air carrier TUI Airlines Belgium N.V., a public limited company under Belgian law, or by one of her partner companies. The following “Conditions of carriage” apply to the transport agreement.
If a stipulation of the present conditions is contrary to an applicable international convention or to an act, a regulation or any other imperative rules, the stipulation will not be applicable.
The fact that one stipulation is not applicable will not have any influence on the other stipulations of the present conditions of carriage.
The translation from Dutch is for convenience only. In case of dispute the original version prevails.
All offers of TUI fly will always be made subject to an obvious clerical error.
The following conditions do not apply to bookings made ??through the GDS (Amadeus, Galileo, Worldspan, Apollo, Sabre).
For reservations made before 23/04/2024:
A ticket or a booking cannot be transferred except with the prior written consent of TUI Airlines Belgium NV.
Up to 72 hours before the departure time of the outbound flight, the traveller can transfer his reservation to a third person, who should meet all conditions of the transport agreement. The transferor and the transferee are jointly and severally liable for payment of the total price of the flight and of all costs resulting from the transfer.
These costs amount to € 70 per person (+/- 777 MAD) up to 72 hours before the flight departure time. If the new rate is higher than the initial rate, the price will be adjusted. If the new rate is lower than the initial rate, there will be no refund; the cost will be maintained. Within 72 hours before the flight departure time, the transfer of the booking will be regarded as a cancellation by the traveller (see art. 4.3). The transfer is only possible for all legs of the ticket. The transfer is not possible if one or more legs are already executed.
The costs are charged for each person and each changed section of the flight (‘leg’).
For reservations made before 23/04/2024:
1) Short and medium haul flights:
• Up to 72 hours before the flight departure time: € 50 pp./ way (+/- 555 MAD). If the new fare is greater than the initial one the price will be adjusted. If the new fare is lower than the initial one there will be no refund; the cost will be maintained;
1) Short and medium haul flights:
• Up to 72 hours before the flight departure time: € 70 pp./ way (+/- 777 MAD). If the new fare is greater than the initial one the price will be adjusted. If the new fare is lower than the initial one there will be no refund; the cost will be maintained;
* All services mentioned under this item can be modified. No modification costs will be applied.
* These services can be booked until 3 days before departure by paying the costs of these services. There are no supplementary administrative costs.
* All additional services can be cancelled, but reimbursement is not possible.
If the traveller cancels their booking or fails to show for the booked flight, the price of the booked trip is in any case payable and no refund will be paid (100% cancellation fee applies), with the exception of any passenger-related taxes imposed by airports and governments charged at the time of the booking. These are reimbursed at the traveller’s written request at the latest three months after the date of cancellation or no-show, after deduction of a fixed administrative cost of €35 (+/- 377 MAD) per request. The traveller should inform TUI Airlines Belgium NV in writing of the cancellation before the date of the flight, with indication of the reference number of the booking(s). Cancellations are only possible on workdays during business hours (from Monday through Saturday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm). Cancellations outside this period will be processed on the next working day.
The traveller is advised to insure themselves against the financial consequences of a cancellation or no-show.
Rental cars booked via TUI Cars must follow the given conditions of TUI Cars.
The rates are determined depending on the conditions that grant, restrict or exclude the right of the traveller to change or cancel his/her booking. These rates and conditions are determined at the moment of the booking and the restrictions and/or costs relating to cancellations and/or changes are those of which the traveller is informed at the moment of the booking.
Government taxes are constantly changing and can be introduced after the date you made your booking. If any government tax is introduced or increased after you made your booking, you will have to pay the new tax (or any increase) before departure. Or, you can choose not to travel and get a full refund of your booking cost. Similarly, if any such government tax is abolished so that it no longer applies to you, or is reduced, you can claim a refund of the abolished tax, or the reduction, from us. These are reimbursed at the traveller’s written request, after deduction of a fixed administrative cost of €35 (+/- 377 MAD) per request.
An infant under the age of 2 years on the date of the outbound flight ("Infant") travels free of charge on the lap of one of the parents/accompanying passengers, without their own seat, subject to payment of an administrative fee for airport handling:
1) Short- and medium-haul flights: €50 per Infant per route (approx. 550 MAD)
2) Long-haul flights (Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Zanzibar, Curacao and Aruba): € 80 per Infant per route (approx. 880 MAD)
It is possible to book a specific type of seat in the period from 30 days to 48 hours before the departure (74 hours for long-distance flights) of your flight operated by TUI fly (TB). You can opt to book a seat type for the outbound flight and/or for the return flight.
If you book your flight in the period between 30 days and 48 hours before departure (74 hours for long-distance flights), you can reserve a type of seat during approximately 30 minutes after having completed your booking. This is possible by clicking “My TUI fly” on the website If no type of seat is booked in advance, the carrier does not guarantee that a specific type of seat will be assigned to the passenger. The passenger declares to accept any type of seat assigned to him/her on the flight concerned. He/she will be assigned his/her type of seat upon registration. Disabled passengers always take precedence over other passengers, subject to the safety standards to be observed. For instance, disabled passengers, children or people with reduced mobility cannot be seated near the emergency exits or on the first row.
You are not allowed to take videos and/or photos at the flight check-in, with the exception of videos and/or photos for personal use. For privacy reasons, no videos and/or photographs of ground personnel are allowed. An exception shall only be made if the ground personnel have given their prior consent and, where applicable, the ground personnel also confirm that given consent (subsequently). If the ground personnel do not give permission or deny having given permission, the videos and/or photos featuring the ground personnel must be deleted immediately.
8.2.1 The passenger has the obligation to follow the instructions given by or on behalf of the captain. If the conduct of a passenger on board the aircraft endangers or threatens to endanger one or several persons, objects or the aircraft itself, if a passenger hinders the crew in the performance of their tasks, violates the stipulations of this article 8, fails to follow the instructions of the crew to guarantee the safety of the aircraft or the safe, efficient and comfortable transport of passengers and crew, or behaves in such a manner that the other passengers may reasonably object, the carrier is authorised to take the measures that are deemed necessary to prevent the continuation of such behaviour.
8.2.2 Within the context of the above provision, the captain is authorised to take the measures that are necessary to guarantee the safety of the flight, including the removal of the passenger from the aircraft. The captain is also authorised to take reasonable measures, including coercive measures, to ensure order, discipline and safety on board and to enable him to turn over to the competent authorities any persons who (threaten to) disturb order on board or compromise the safety of the flight. The captain is authorised to report punishable acts, including the failure to follow instructions given by or on behalf of the captain. A passenger who has been turned over to the competent authorities or who has been removed from the aircraft is not entitled to (further) transportation on the flight concerned, nor to a return flight and/or any other flights operated by the carrier and/or any parties affiliated with the carrier.
8.2.3. For safety reasons, the carrier may restrict or prohibit the use on board of electronic equipment, including mobile phones, laptop computers, tablets, portable voice recorders, portable radios, CD players, electronic games, toys with remote control, scanners, walkie-talkies and other devices equipped with an antenna. It is not allowed to make videos and/or photos on board the aircraft, with the exception of videos and/or photos destined for personal use. For reasons of privacy, making videos and/or photos of crew members on board is not allowed, unless the crew members gave their prior consent and confirm this consent (afterwards), as the case may be. If the crew members did not give their consent or deny having given their consent, the videos and/or photos featuring the crew members are to be deleted without delay.
8.2.4. The consumption of alcoholic beverages brought on board by a passenger is not allowed. The carrier may at their sole discretion limit or stop the serving of alcoholic beverages to the passenger in order to maintain order and discipline on board.
8.2.5. Smoking (including conventional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes or other artificial forms of smoking during with smoke, vapour or scents are released) on board the aircraft is expressly prohibited.
If the passenger violates the provisions of this article or fails to fulfil any of their other obligations, the carrier is authorised to refuse the (further) transportation of the passenger without being obliged to pay any compensation or reimburse the price of the ticket. Furthermore, the passenger is in that case obliged to pay a compensation for any damage resulting from their actions or negligence in violation of the provisions of this article. This includes all reasonable expenses incurred by the carrier if the carrier is compelled to reroute the flight for an unscheduled landing or stopover as a result of the passenger’s conduct.
If the passenger violates the provisions of this article or otherwise fails to fulfil their obligations, the carrier is authorised to refuse the passenger on one or several future flights.
In order to maintain good order and guarantee the safety of and during the flights and the operation thereof, the carrier makes use of a black list. This list includes the names of passengers who have compromised safety in such a manner that they will not be allowed on flights during a specific period or will only be allowed under conditions to be determined by the carrier. These passengers will be informed by the carrier (orally or in writing) of the fact that they will be put on the black list and of the period of time they will be on this list.
Passengers with reduced mobility may apply for assistance provided that the conditions laid down in EU regulation 1107/2006, and specifically the necessity of requesting such assistance in advance, have been met.
a) Definition
A “passenger with reduced mobility” means any person whose mobility when using transportis reduced due to any physical disability (sensory or locomotor, permanent or temporary), intellectual disability or impairment, age or any other cause of disability, and whose situation needs appropriate attention and the adaptation to his or her particular needs of the service made available to all passengers.
b) Prior notification
In order to appeal for the assistance mentioned hereafter under c) and d), the passenger needs to send a notification of the need for assistance when booking, or as soon as possible after the necessity for assistance has become clear, and, in any case, 12 hours before departure. The passenger is required to provide all necessary information by means of the "ASST" form.
The following categories are used:
- "WHR": passengers who can walk and climb and descend stairs, but who need assistance due to the length of the distances they have to travel at the airport;
- "WHS": passengers who can walk but are unable to climb and descend stairs;
- "WHC": passengers who move about in a wheelchair or are unable to walk on their own;
The lack of a timely prior notification may lead to improvisation and delay during boarding or even to denial of boarding.
c) Assistance at the airport
The managing body of the EU airport, or the body designated by this airport, is responsible for assistance to passengers with reduced mobility from the moment they arrive at the airport to the moment they are seated on the airplane. In particular, it is possible to receive assistance to move about the airport buildings, check in, comply with obligations regarding emigration, customs and safety, board the aircraft, etc. The passenger ought to follow the procedure provided by the airport’s managing body.
d) Wheelchair transport
Passenger-owned wheelchairs will be transported in the baggage hold free of charge. The dimensions of the wheelchair must not exceed 86 cm (height), 119 cm (width) and 119 cm (depth), and there may be weight limitations depending on the type of aircraft. Folding wheelchairs may be used up until the aircraft stairs or door. They are subsequently stored in the baggage hold. This needs to be mentioned in advance during booking and requested by means of the ‘ASST’ application form.
A distinction is made between 2 types of wheelchairs:
1) Manual non-electric wheelchair.
2) Electric wheelchair or other mobility aid powered by a battery or battery pack.
Additional restrictions and specific terms and conditions of carriage apply to the transport of an electric wheelchair or mobility aid. The battery packs or batteries have to comply with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and the ICAO Technical Instructions For The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.
Authorisation always has to be requested in advance from the airline.
"People with auditory and/or visual impairment may only travel alone provided that they are able to meet the safety requirements without any assistance. (see 8.6.4 Safety regulations.)
Passengers who fail to meet these safety requirements are required to travel with an accompanying person
Persons with both auditory and visual impairment are not allowed to travel alone."
Guide dogs are allowed to travel in the cabin free of charge*.
"Guide dogs are allowed to travel in the cabin free of charge. These dogs are not allowed to occupy a seat. It is recommended to provide your guide or assistance dog with a harness from the organisation responsible for training the dog.
Persons accompanied by an assistance dog or guide dog will be assigned a front-row seat. In case of long-distance flights, this can be a front-row Economy Plus seat, which provides extra legroom."
"a) Emotional support animals
Emotional support animals are only allowed to travel on flights from and to the United States. Only cats and dogs are accepted, and it is required to present a recent (less than one year old) medical certificate issued by the attending therapist stating that the person in question has to travel with the animal.
Emotional support animals may be carried in the cabin free of charge, but are subject to the same rules as other pets.
Passengers travelling with an emotional support animal are not automatically entitled to a front-row seat."
"Passengers with reduced mobility and people with visual or auditory impairment may travel alone if they are able to:
- fasten their seatbelts without assistance
- put on their oxygen mask without assistance if required
- understand the safety briefing
- put on their lifejacket without assistance
- reach the exit without assistance in case of emergency
Passengers who fail to meet one or several of these safety requirements are required to travel with an accompanying person who can assist the passenger."
The acceptance of children travelling alone, persons with reduced mobility and pregnant or ill people is subject to the prior consent of the carrier and the payment of any compensation due.
The regulations below only apply to flights with TUI Airlines Belgium NV or Freebird (destination Turkey). For flights operated by airline partners the special requests always have to be confirmed. Payment is done at the airport.
A pregnant woman is allowed to fly until the end of the 36th week of pregnancy (the 32nd week in case of multiple pregnancy) provided that she has a medical certificate drawn up in Dutch, French or English which confirms that there is no risk for the pregnancy or of premature birth. As from 37 weeks of pregnancy it is no longer allowed to fly with TUI Airlines Belgium NV or its airline partner.
TUI Airlines Belgium NV or its airline partner reserves the right to request the presentation of a medical certificate at the moment of departure. It has to be a recent certificate (max. 8 days old at the time of departure).
Should the passenger have any indication that medical problems may arise during the flight, they are required to seek medical advice prior to the flight, particularly when they are about to take a long flight. The passenger has the responsibility of taking the required precautions. If the passenger fails to do so, this will be at their own expense and risk.
Passengers with certain disorders must in any case be able to present a written statement by their family doctor in order to be able to fly.
These passengers include:
• people who have recently suffered a heart attack;
• people who require injections, oxygen or intravenous therapy during the flight;
• people with serious internal or external injuries;
A stretcher is not allowed on board.
On flights operated by TUI Airlines Belgium NV (TB) and Freebird (FHY) registered (checked) bagage is not included in the price of the ticket except for children under the age of 2, for whom 10 kg of checked baggage (per child) is included in the price.
If you choose to take baggage, it can be booked in advance and will be charged at the rates listed online, in addition to the ticke price (up to a maximum of 50 kg per person and 32 kg per piece of baggage).
Info :
The baggage allowed is always valid per person. The booking of an additional seat for a single passenger, for instance to improve comfort, does not entitled the passenger to carry extra baggage.
Differen conditions may apply at other airline companies.
In order to limit the risk of loss of and damage to your baggage, we request you not to include any valuable, fragile, inadequately packed and/or perishable goods in your registered baggage.
Dimensions: The maximum dimensions of each piece of baggage are : length 80 cm, width 25 cm and height 60 cm
For obvious reasons of safety and with a view to the comfort of the passengers, only one personal item and one piece of hand-baggage are allowed per passenger (age 2 and older).
Infants (babies under the age of 2) are not allowed to have any hand-baggage. See art. 8.7.2. regarding the transport of prams, strollers and (car-) carrying baskets.
The carrier rejects all liability for the eventual refusal of import of the equipment by the local customs.
Mopeds, motorcycles, electric bicycles and jet skis are not transported.
The rules below only concern flights operated by TUI Airlines Belgium NV or partner airline Freebird (destination Turkey). The price could also be different. For other partner airlines the ‘Special requests’ have to be confirmed. Payment is due at the airport.
You may be asked to open your bag with sports equipment at the check-in. In case of refusal or abuse the applicable rate for overweight baggage will be charged, without any right to reimbursement of the fee for sports equipment.
The transport of a bicycle (one per passenger) is possible on payment of a fee of € 55 (+/- 605 MAD) per leg and per bike.
Max. weight per bicycle (+ case) = 32 kg
Specific instructions:
• the front wheel must be detached and fastened to the frame;
• the pedals must be folded back
• the handlebars must be aligned with the frame
• the bicycle must be provided with a protective cover.
• For hand luggage and hold baggage:
CO2 cartridges greater than 50ml / 28gr: banned
CO2 cartridges less than or equal to 50ml / 28gr: max. 4 allowed per luggage
If you pack your golf/diving equipment in a normal bag (80 x 60 x 25 cm) it will be considerated as regular baggage. You will only have to pay the overweight according to the applicable rates.
• oxygen cylinders must be empty;
• no lead for lead belts;
• diving lamps should be carried as hand baggage, on condition that the bulb is removed and packed separately;
• diving torches with elongated batteries can be considered as a weapon and are possibly refused as security measure at the airport.
If you pack your diving equipment in a special bag, even if the total weight is less than the authorised weight, you will have to pay the fee.
If you pack your diving equipment in a normal bag (80 x 60 x 25 cm) it will be considerated as regular baggage. You will only have to pay the overweight according to the applicable rates.
Specific instructions:
• sail, boom and sectional mast to be packed compactly.
Specific rules:
- Protective packaging.
- Ski boots packaged separately.
Pets are not allowed on transfers from airport to destination (and vice versa)
If the presence of the animal was not mentionned on beforehand, the price payable at the airport is increased by an administrative cost of € 7,50 (+/- 84 MAD) per animal and per leg.
A guide dog is always allowed to travel in the passenger compartment, regardless of the weight (with the necessary equipment) (*). However, it must be kept on a leash.
- The rules below only concern flights operated by TUI Airlines Belgium NV or partner airline Freebird (destination Turkey).
For other partner airlines the ‘Special requests’ have to be confirmed. Payment is due at the airport.
The animals may be transported in the passenger compartment provided that:
• they are at least 12 weeks old;
• they are transported in a hygienic, watertight bag or basket (total of the dimensions max. 115 cm), big enough so the animal can still stand up.
• the animal cannot disturb other passengers in any way.
• female animals are not pregnant.
- Dogs: Affenpinscher, American Bulldog, American Bully, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Brussels Griffin, Bulldog (all breeds), Bull Mastiff, Bull Terrier, Chinese Pug, Chow Chow, Dutch Pug, English Bulldog, English Toy Spaniel, French Bulldog, Japanese Boxer, Japanese Pug, Japanese Spaniel (Chin), Lhasa Apso, Mastiff (all breeds), Pekinese, Pug, Shar Pei, Shih Tzu, Tibetan Spaniel.
- Cats: British shorthair, Exotic Shorthair, Himalaya, Persian flat-nosed, Scottish fold cats

- Dogs: Affenpinscher, American Bulldog, American Bully, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Brussels Griffin, Bulldog (all breeds), Bull Mastiff, Bull Terrier, Chinese Pug, Chow Chow, Dutch Pug, English Bulldog, English Toy Spaniel, French Bulldog, Japanese Boxer, Japanese Pug, Japanese Spaniel (Chin), Lhasa Apso, Mastiff (all breeds), Pekinese, Pug, Shar Pei, Shih Tzu, Tibetan Spaniel.
- Cats: British shorthair, Exotic Shorthair, Himalaya, Persian flat-nosed, Scottish fold cats

• items that are not considered baggage;
• goods the transport of which is prohibited in accordance with the applicable laws or regulations of the country of departure or destination ;
• items that are considered non-transportable by the carrier on account of their dimensions, weight or nature (fragile or hazardous);
• small vehicles driven by a lithium battery such as Segways, hoverboards, airwheels and other related goods;
• living animals, with the exception of dogs and cats;
• cooking oils (max. 1/2 litre);
• television;
• computer / computer screens;
• microwave oven / any kind of heating furnace;
• kitchenware such as pots and pans ;
• sunshade;
• car parts;
• mirrors.
(a) General Prohibited Baggage
For security reasons, baggage, whether carry-on baggage or checked baggage, may not contain and shall not be carried:
(1) Briefcases or security cases with alarm devices or built-in lithium batteries installed and or pyrotechnic material;
(2) explosive devices, including detonators, detonators, grenades, mines and explosives;
(3) explosives, ammunition, fireworks or flares;
(4) Gases: flammable, non-flammable, frozen and toxic, such as camping gas or aerosol, propane and butane;
(5) Flammable liquids such as bleach, peroxides, gasoline and methanol;
(6) Combustible solids and reactive materials, including magnesium, fire starters, fireworks, flares;
(7) lighters;
(8) Oxidizing agents and organic peroxides, including bleaching agents, automotive body repair kits;
(9) Toxic or infectious substances, including rat poison, infected blood and pathogens;
(10) Radioactive material, including medical or commercial isotopes;
(11) Corrosive substances, such as mercury, which may be contained in thermometers, acids, alkali and batteries, wet, filled with battery fluid, corrosive agents and vehicle batteries;
(12) Automotive fuel system components that have contained fuel;
(13) Magnetizing substances and all dangerous goods listed in the IATA dangerous goods regulations.
Excluded from this provision are medicines and medical devices, toiletries and alcoholic beverages,
as long as they are only carried in small quantities for personal use. Smoking utensils, such as a lighter (except petrol lighters) or a pack of matches, may only be transported to/on the person.
Note: The use of mobile phones without flight mode (please note that the operation of electronic devices that have a transmit/receive function but do not offer flight mode is not permitted on board), radios, television receivers, remote-controlled toys, UMTS, radio receivers, GPS receivers, Bluetooth-enabled devices (wireless keyboards, headphones, etc.) and the like are prohibited for security reasons. The use of other electronic devices is only permitted with permission from the flight attendants. For further information, please contact the operating airline or the flight attendant on board. This also applies to electronic cigarettes.
(b) Prohibited items in checked baggage
Passengers are not permitted to carry the following items in checked baggage:
Explosives and incendiary devices and explosives and incendiary devices — Explosives and incendiary devices as well as explosive and incendiary devices that are capable of causing serious injury or endangering the safety of the aircraft , including:
• Ammunition,
• Detonators,
• Detonators and detonators,
• Mines, grenades or other military explosive devices,
• Fireworks and other pyrotechnic products,
• Smoke canisters and smoke cartridges,
• Dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.
Fragile and perishable items as well as items of particular value, such as money, jewelry, precious metals, jewels, computers, laptops, cameras, mobile radio telephones or other electronic devices, securities, securities, are permitted in the passenger's checked baggage as well as other valuables or business papers, samples, identification papers, house and car keys, medication and/or medical. Aids (hearing aids, braces, glasses) that the passenger needs are not included.
(c) Prohibited items in hand luggage
(1) Rifles, Firearms and Weapons
Any object capable or appearing to fire a projectile or cause injury, including:
• Firearms of all kinds, such as pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns,
• Toy weapons, replicas and imitations of firearms that can be confused with real weapons,
• Parts of firearms, excluding rifle scopes,
• Air pressure and CO2 weapons, such as air guns , spring and pellet pistols and rifles or so-called “ball bearing guns” (BB guns),
• signal pistols and starting pistols,
• bows, crossbows and arrows,
• launchers for harpoons and spears,
• slings and catapults;
(2) Stunning devices
Devices specifically designed to cause stunning or immobilization, including:
• shock stunning devices, such as stunning guns, tasers and stunning batons,
• livestock stunning and killing devices,
• incapacitating and incapacitating chemicals, gases and sprays such as irritant gas, pepper sprays, capsicum sprays, tear gas, acid sprays and animal repellent sprays;
(3) pointed or sharp objects
pointed or sharp objects capable of causing serious injury, including:
• chopping tools, such as axes, hatchets and cleavers,
• ice axes and ice picks,
• razor blades,
• box cutters,
• knives with a blade length over 6 cm,
• scissors with a blade length of more than 6 cm measured from the hinge,
• martial arts equipment with a point or sharp edge,
• swords and sabers;
(4) Tools
Tools capable of causing serious injury or endangering the safety of the aircraft, including:
• crowbars,
• drills and drills, including portable cordless drills,
• tools with a blade or shaft longer than 6 cm that can be used as a weapon, such as screwdrivers and chisels,
• saws, including portable cordless saws,
• blowtorches,
• nail guns and pneumatic nailers;
(5) Blunt objects
Objects capable of causing serious injury when used as an impact weapon, including:
• Baseball and softball bats,
• Clubs and batons, such as blackjacks,
• Martial arts equipment;
(6) Explosives and incendiary substances and explosive and incendiary devices
Explosives and incendiary substances and explosive and incendiary devices that are or appear to be capable of causing serious injury or endangering the safety of the aircraft, including:
• Ammunition,
• Detonators,
• Detonators and detonators,
• Replicas or imitations of explosive devices,
• Mines, grenades or other military explosive devices,
• Fireworks and other pyrotechnic products,
• Smoke canisters and smoke cartridges,
• Dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.
(7) Taking liquids on board (Regulation (EC) No. 1546/2006)
For the safety of civil aviation, the European Union has limited the amount of liquids that passengers are allowed to take on board in hand luggage. It should be noted that the liquids are in individual containers with a capacity of no more than 100ml or a comparable unit of measurement. The decisive factor is the printed filling quantity. All individual containers must fit in a transparent, resealable plastic bag with a maximum capacity of one litre. The plastic bag must be comfortable and fully sealable. Closing simple plastic bags with aids is not permitted. One bag is permitted per passenger.
Liquids include: gels, pastes, lotions, mixtures of liquids and solids such as toothpaste, hair gels, drinks, soups, syrups, perfumes and other items of similar consistency, as well as the contents of pressurized containers such as shaving cream and hairspray.
Exceptions may be granted if the liquid is used during travel and is needed for either medical or special dietary purposes, including baby food. If necessary, the passenger must be able to prove the authenticity of the liquid for which an exemption has been granted.
Since January 31, 2014, liquids from duty-free purchases have generally been permitted to be taken in hand luggage at every airport and aircraft. The prerequisite is that the liquid, together with the proof of purchase, is in an undamaged, sealed security bag that can be checked using a special control technology. This control technology is also used to examine liquid medications and liquid special foods. The security bag must not be opened until the final destination airport has been reached. All liquids must be removed from your baggage and presented separately for aviation security checks. If the harmlessness of the liquid cannot be determined beyond doubt, the liquid may not be taken in hand luggage.
If you have any questions, you can also contact your airport or the federal police.
• hunting and sporting weapons are only transported in the baggage compartment with a max. of 5 kg per person for personal use
• the passenger must be able to submit the permits required in the countries of departure and destination, including the type of weapon;
• weapons may never be loaded;
• weapons must be packed and loaded into the baggage compartment separately;
• transport of ammunition is forbidden and will be refused at the check in, only the following types are accepted: 1.4S, UN 0012 and UN 0014.
On June, 1st 1997, European regulations concerning the international trade in endangered species of animals and plants, including mammals (e.g. monkeys and tigers), birds (e.g. parrots), reptiles (e.g. turtles) and plants (e.g. wild orchids) came into force. Some species may not be sold and an import licence is required for others). You risk confiscation and heavy fines if you violate these regulations.
Information brochures about the European regulations are available at the Belgian Ministry for Agriculture and the Retail Sector at the numbers +32 2 208 36 96 (plants) and +32 2 208 36 67 (animals).
Antiquities and works of art are often subject to export restrictions as well. Be sure to be well informed before you bring home these objects.
The liability of the carrier in case of damage to or loss of baggage is limited by international conventions.
You will receive a numbered receipt for every piece of baggage that is checked in. Make sure not to lose this receipt. Any damage to or non-delivery or loss of baggage should be reported to the local airport authorities. The numbered receipt is indispensable to identify your baggage. If baggage is lost, you should have a PIR (Property Irregularity Report) filled out at the “Lost & Found" desk at the airport. In case of damage, a DBR (Damaged Baggage Report) must be filled out.
If you carry one or several of the following items in your baggage:
• items of which transport is prohibited;
• inadequately packed items;
• valuable, perishable, damaged or fragile items
in spite of our explicit request not to do so, and if these items are damaged, you will risk a full or partial exemption from liability on our part on the basis of the Montreal Convention. You can find a summary of the Montreal Convention in article 13 of this Contract of Carriage).
The carrier accepts no liability for damage to hand baggage, unless the damage is caused by the carrier, their staff or representatives.
Under the Warsaw Convention the indemnification is calculated in proportion to the weight at € 20 (+/- 222 MAD) per kilo.
If you reserved the travel and assistance insurance during your reservation, you can have these goods insured at the airport at a modest rate. You can ask the TUI Airlines Belgium NV representative or the check-in staff at the airport about the rate in force.
The expected times of departure and arrival are always indicated in the local time of the relevant airport. The carrier shall do everything within their power to transport passengers and their baggage swiftly and efficiently. The carrier will make every effort to respect the announced flight schedule.
When you book your ticket, we will inform you of the flight schedule applicable at that moment. It is possible that the flight schedule will change after you have made your booking due to circumstances beyond our control (decisions by competent authorities or weather conditions). If you gave us your contact details, we will inform you of any changes. By booking a flight with TUI, you acknowledge that the exact flight schedule is not essential for you. However, if we make a significant change to the flight schedule after you have made your booking and if we are unable to offer you an acceptable alternative under similar conditions, we will refund your ticket.
This provision does not affect the rights of the traveller pursuant to Regulation (EC) N° 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights.
You can also at all times consult the actual flight schedule on our website by following the procedure described in your travel documents.
The Carrier is free to determine which type of aircraft will be used to operate the flight. If an aircraft type is communicated, the carrier reserves the right to change this type at any time. By booking a flight the customer acknowledges that the aircraft type is not an essential element of the contract of carriage. If the passenger paid a supplement for the reservation of a type of seat in the aircraft and this type of seat is not available, the passenger is only entitled to reimbursement of the supplement paid.
TUI Airlines Belgium NV and/or the partner company are entitled to take all appropriate measures if the behaviour of the passenger
• endangers the safety of the aeroplane, the passengers or the goods on board;
• prevents the crew members from performing their tasks;
• causes considerable annoyance with other passengers or with the crew.
TUI Airlines Belgium NV and/or the partner company can refuse the passenger concerned access to the aeroplane for a particular flight or for all flights in the future. In addition, legal action will be taken against the passenger involved.
• cell phones
• portable television sets
• portable video and playback equipment
• radio receivers
• radio transmitters
• toys with remote control
• all electronic devices of which it is not certain that they have no influence on the aircraft’s electronic systems
• electronic games without remote control
• compact discs, tape recorders
• portable voice recorders
The use of a laptop is forbidden during take-off and landing; once the aircraft is flying at cruising speed, you are usually allowed to use a laptop.
All TUI Airlines Belgium NV flights are non-smoking (the use of electronic cigarettes is also prohibited). Electronic cigarettes/tobacco products may only be carried in your hand baggage.
More information can be found on the Travel formalities page
Travellers must comply with all laws, regulations, requirements and obligations imposed by the authorities of the country of departure, destination or transit, as well as with the regulations and instructions of the carrier or his agents.
The carrier does not assume any responsibility for information provided by his agents or subcontractors with regard to travel documents of visa required by the country of destination, regardless of whether this information was provided in writing or otherwise. Also, the carrier cannot be held liable if travellers do not obtain the necessary documents or visa.
The carrier rejects any liability for any direct or indirect damage that the passenger may suffer due to the lack of proper travel documents, due to which the carrier is forced to refuse the transportation.
This information notice summarises the liability rules applied by Community air carriers as required by Community legislation and the Montreal Convention.
There are no financial limits to the liability for passenger injury or death. For damages up to 113.100 Special Drawing Rights SDRs (approximately € 147.000 or 1.631.700 MAD) the air carrier cannot contest claims for compensation. Above that amount, the air carrier can defend itself against a claim by proving that it was not negligent or otherwise at fault.
If a passenger is killed or injured, the air carrier must make an advance payment, to cover immediate economic needs, within 15 days from the identification of the person entitled to compensation. In the event of death, this advance payment shall not be less than 16.000 SDRs (approximately € 18.000 or 199.800 MAD).
In case of passenger delay, the air carrier is liable for damage unless it took all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or it was impossible to take such measures. The liability for passenger delay is limited to 4.694 SDRs (approximately € 5.250 or 58.275 MAD).
In case of baggage delay, the air carrier is liable for damage unless it took all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or it was impossible to take such measures. The liability for baggage delay is limited to 1.131 SDRs (approximately € 1.470 or 16.317 MAD).
The air carrier is liable for destruction, loss or damage to baggage up to 1.131 SDRs (approximately € 1.470 or 16.317 MAD). In the case of checked baggage, it is liable even if not at fault, unless the baggage was defective. In the case of unchecked baggage, the carrier is liable only if at fault.
A passenger can benefit from a higher liability limit by making a special declaration at the latest at check-in and by paying a supplementary fee.
If the baggage is damaged, delayed, lost or destroyed, the passenger must write and complain to the air carrier as soon as possible. In the case of damage to checked baggage, the passenger must write and complain within seven days and in the case of delay within 21 days, in both cases from the date on which the baggage was placed at the passenger's disposal.
If the air carrier actually performing the flight is not the same as the contracting air carrier, the passenger has the right to address a complaint or to make a claim for damages against either. If the name or code of an air carrier is indicated on the ticket, that air carrier is the contracting air carrier.
Any action in court to claim damages must be brought within two years from the date of arrival of the aircraft, or from the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived.
In accordance with article 11 of European Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005, you should be informed of the identity of the operating airlines relating to your flight. If the identity of the operating airline is not yet known at the time of booking, the name of the airline that is likely to act as operating airline on the flight concerned will be indicated. You will find the list of the airlines who qualify in article 14.3. As soon as the identity of the operating airline is known, the carrier will inform you. If a change in the operating airline occurs after the booking, the carrier shall take all measures required in order to inform the passenger of the change as soon as possible. The passengers shall in any case be informed upon check-in.
The flights are normally operated by TUI Airlines Belgium NV, with registered office at Luchthaven national, 40 P Box 1, B- 1930 Zaventem (Belgium), company number 0861.741.466, known under the commercial name “TUI Airlines Belgium NV”. A number of flights are operated in cooperation with amongst others TUI Airlines Nederland, Freebird and Smartlynx Airlines.
By booking a flight with TUI Airlines Belgium NV, the traveller acknowledges that it is not essential to them which of the above airlines will actually operate the flight.
You may be subject to a border check if your flight rotation includes a landing outside the Schengen area. TUI fly complies with the applicable Schengen rules.
All complaints and relevant information must be notified in writing to TUI Airlines Belgium NV’s administrative office within 30 days after the date of the flight. Adress : Gistelsesteenweg 1, B-8400 Oostende (Belgium).
After having contacted the customer service department, and in the absence of a satisfactory response, the customer may refer the matter to the Consumer Mediation Service, whose contact details and procedures are available on his website: If necessary, the customer may also refer the matter to the European platform for online dispute resolution provided for in Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (
If necessary, the customer may also submit the case to the European online dispute resolution platform provided for in Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( If a year has elapsed since the claim was submitted to TUI, the claim is inadmissible vis-à-vis the Agency.
Disputes where the Justice of the Peace Court of Overijse - Zaventem does not have material jurisdiction under the Belgian law, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the district of Brussels.